KUPPAM: Recaling his connection with Kuppam as Indrasena Reddy in the film `Indra’ eight years ago, Praja Rajyam Party chief Chiranjeevi, went nostalgic and said that he is the servant of people and had come to lead them towards path of development with their blessings.Even though, he was three hours behind schedule, people in large number gathered to welcome him at the helipad, where he landed from Bangalore. Addressing a large gathering at RTC bus station in the town, Chiranjeevi lashed against Telugu Desam president N Chandrababu Naidu, who has been representing Kuppam constituency in the Assembly for more than a decade saying “Though he represented the constituency first as Chief Minister and later as Opposition leader, there is not much development in the region.
Every one knows who was responsible for closure of Chittoor Dairy. For his own Heritage, he chose to render it defunct,” he said.Chiranjeevi taking exception to the derogatory remarks made by Chandrababu against PRP, calling it ‘Valasala Party (party of political migrants) said: “He (Naidu) has no moral right to say so, for it is an open secret that who had migrated to which party.He is the one who with an open hands welcomed Gali Muddukrishnama Naidu, when he left Congress. People also had not forgotten the episode of D Nagendar, who changed parties and the role of TDP chief in it,” he said.PRP chief did not even spare the ruling Congress party and said that corruption rules large in that party. Citing examples of Brahmani Steels, Obulapuram Mines, Chimakurti Granites etcs, he said that people are well aware of what the party leaders are doing for their families and relatives and what they are doing for the common man.
He wondered how the fortunes of the Congress supporters have changed in a short span of four years. He also questioned why the Government is hell bent on giving thousands of acres to a Gulf-based company in the given situation, if not for some selfish agenda.Government lands should be protected for future development activities and should not be given to affluent in the name of SEZs, ports etc..
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