The Telugu Desam leaders are highly perturbed by the attack on Praja Rajyam leader, Mr C. Ramachandraiah, by aggressive fans of actor Balakrishna for a comment he made against the NTR family. They are worried about such incidents becoming the norm after the actor joins the TD poll campaign. Hundreds of Balakrishna fans barged into the residence of Mr Ramachandraiah, a former TD leader, the other day. The TD leaders have brought the issue to the attention of the party chief, Mr N. Chandrababu Naidu. “Even before the actor has started campaigning, his fans are behaving like this,” said a senior party leader. “What will happen once he comes in?” Balakrishna, Harikrishna, Junior NTR, Kalyan Ram and Tarak have good fan following across the state.
There are also fears that rivalries between the fans would spill over to the streets, harming the TD’s interests. Emotions can spiral out of control as it became evident in the attack on the family of film actor Rajasekhar by Chiranjeevi fans recently. Also, local leaders of the TD have already come into conflict with over enthusiastic fans. In Kurnool, Balakrishna and Nandamuri fans locked horns with local TD leadership and organised a public meeting with NTR family members on their own. When the TD unit openly issued a statement against the meeting, the annoyed fans hit back and invited Tarak to the event, much to the embarrassment of local leaders. Kurnool district TD president, Mr Byreddy Rajasekar Reddy, and the official spokesperson, Mr M. Surendra Reddy, have requested Mr Naidu to control the unruly fans.
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